new york, paris, lunenburg

Saturday, December 20, 2014

lunenburg still life with lobster sign, vintage car & coke machine - sigh / from the other side of the harbour / more red building love / sunshiny explorations / interpretive signage / from Pelham Street / brightly coloured wooden buildings / potential ocean adventures - be still my heart / architectural details abound / more of last Saturday's incredible sky meets sea / in love !!

When you take the step towards your dreams you will be met with fears because you have never traveled this way before. As you go, you will discover that you had nothing to fear. Through overcoming your fears you give those that follow you hope that if they pursue their dreams, they will achieve their dreams. E'yen A. Gardner

I've been fortunate to have travelled lots in my life. New York City many times, perhaps a dozen and Paris 3x. I can vividly remember the feelings that would wash over me as soon as I arrived in those exciting, stimulating & perfect-to-walk-around in cities. Seriously ... I feel the same way about you - lovely Lunenburg, you are a treasure I am so thrilled to be exploring & discovering.  And I live here ! I'm not just visiting. Phew ! I can take a few breaths & relax into everything you have to offer.


  1. Wow! The Lunenburg Chamberof Comerce should start paying you... For your photos as well as your wonderful reaction to living there. I know I am just bursting to See Lunenburg for myself!

  2. Beautiful photos dear Susan, it is good to read that you are so happy to be living in Lunenburg!
    Much love, Dianne
    xoxoxo ♡

  3. The location of that second image figures significantly in the TV series that I love and is filmed here ... "Haven".

  4. Incredible photos. Certainly deserving of those cities on that list but you know, London, may take the biscuit for the best big city to walk around...especially at night when illuminated and still in so many quiet neighbourhoods a block or two away from the hustle and bustle of the city streets...imho. :)


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