gotta thing for ...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lately ... I've gotta thing for portraits. Amazing & tres inspiring.

1. portrait - be happy now - 2. harmonies - maison paulette - 3. scotia - be happy now
4. lovely - tastes orangey - 5. lillian - tush tush - 6. nature boy - lizzy stewart

Hey !! watch out big sunny Saturday !


  1. Beautiful...particularly the third one, lovely and winsome. It's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend here too, fingers crossed that Spring is FINALLY here.

  2. hello friend.

    that first one reminds me of Maira Kalman. you know who i mean? they are fun. I think i like nature boy the best. I love that new beach you found.

  3. Oh, me, too. In fact, I just came home with seven huge tubes of oil paint, a handful of brushes and some canvas. I'm gonna have a go, after far too many years.


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