orange gerberas - more polaroid loveliness
Those darn kittens (they turned two at the end of this summer), Oliver & Gussie Gus are peeling around downstairs, crashin' and a bangin' and chasin' and having a grand ol' kitten time. Win's sleeping with one eye open and on me, waiting for signs that's it time to get ready for our walk and her date with Baby Duke & Maggie Sue and I'm just doin' my regular thing. Typing by the glow of my lovely 24" imac moniter (don't mean to gloat), enjoying my second cup of coffee and the quiet and darkness of another early morning. It's raining, softly and it feels very warm outside my big studio windows. No wind.
I've been practicing Shallow Thinking - not really shallow in the superficial way, more Shallow in the opposed-to-Deep way. And it seems to be working. Maybe you've noticed. I find lately, a thought will knock on the door of my ever busy little head, a thought like - So Susan ... if you sell this house where will you live ? Instantly alarms go off, locks on that door click into place, the dead bolt slides over with a thunk and I think to myself. Don't know and I can't think about that right now. That's way too big a thought ... way, way too Deep ... I need to stay close to shore, where my feet can easily touch the bottom and I need to take one tiny step at a time. For a girl who loves to think, to analyze, to ruminate and the deeper the better usually, I have found this exercise quite challenging, and believe me those alarms are trippin' all - the - time.
It's Tuesday ... almost always better than Monday ...
but rarely ever as good as Sunday.