december thrills

Saturday, December 12, 2009

the black velvet chicelet Bleet and Miss Winnie Dixon in the sunny chocolate guest room

wind, ice, cold and snow
coffee and morning chatter by the woodstove
Belgian chocolates
CBC radio 1
crazy about him
drawing 'til 3pm at the TTD
walking in golden crusty hayfields with the sisters
wrapped up well in down and fleece
tea and beer back by the fire
kissing frosty moustaches
dinner at 29 Black Street (rice vermicelli with spring rolls)
baguette chunks spread with Camembert
movie night Das Boot the directors cut - ordered from amazon
turns out we both have a thing for submarine movies
snuggled together on the sofa
a fire glowing in the fireplace
and crazed, wild, gnashing dogs (Piper Belle & Bess) wrestle and play
while Miss Dixon sleeps with her head on the cowboy's lap
a bedtime walk around this sleepy village which is a twinkle with Christmas lights


  1. Twinkling lights is our December thrill too....
    Tail Wags,

  2. hahahah.... that's hilarious...and almost weird....we, too, love subs.... and just watched U-571 and Hunt for Red October last week!

    Mr. B.V. bought Julie and Julia the other night...and already we have watched it twice... ... sure it's about cooking..but, it's also a love story and a story of perseverance... it's fun, funny, and I also shed a little tear or two...but, then I am kinda soppy with some things.....

  3. I just love reading your happy posts.


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