our path

Saturday, December 5, 2009

red tulips from the 29 Black Street gardens - archived photo goodness

It's all good. Overwhelmingly so and seemingly all of the time. I just wrote an email to MLou telling her how I can't seem to handle extreme emotion (good, bad, sad or fantastic) large feelings of any variety - they all make me feel kind of messed up and anxious. And now the transition begins - our big blend. The blending of 2 lives, 2 homes, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 1 seriously empire building self employed designer gal and one project obsessed, retired, really smart guy. We do predict the odd bump along the way but neither of us is too worried about them.

We just need a few lists and a hand drawn (by me of course) map of our critical path.


  1. Sounds like a perfect combination to me. As you say... it's all good.

  2. Just wanted to say again that I am so happy for you and the cowboy.

  3. Nothing wrong with a few bumps!
    Tail Wags to All.

  4. Hey! You took out the part about the "critical path method". I looked it up and everything. It said something about algorithms and I was all impressed!

  5. Judy he "is" a critical path kind of guy (swoon) and turns out I haven't actually been using the term but do, come to find out, consider myself a follower of the CP philosophy - so ... link back in and one more edit of today's post. Wink.

  6. I just heard of your blog-it is wonderful-and i am very ahappy for you and cowboy!

  7. Susan, can you please give us a few more details? Example: "He got out of car and........" I said.......he said...........we fell into each other's arms......he wore....I wore.....our hearts said......Bess said......I saw him drive up and.....We decided........We ate......?"

  8. Martha I promise a few more details tomorrow. Wink.

  9. It's all going to be totally OK. Put the blender on a very slow speed and stir ingredients until just incorporated and fold in the cream....there you have it chocolate mousse.
    xoxo ML

  10. This is where it gets interesting! All the best, dear Susan.


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