a still life

Thursday, April 17, 2008

still life

The sky outside my office window is deep turquoise, the window is open and the gentle breeze blowing in is fresh with a slight chill. The birds are awake and beginning their morning chatter and song, the crows busily zooming around the yard and we hear seagulls (always) in the distance. No radio this morning. When I stand with my coffee in this big open window all I hear is stillness and birds. I have always loved this time of day, it's why I love to get up early. To see and hear another day gradually begin again, new, never the same and always full of endless possibilities, hope and promise.

You can search throughout the entire universe
for someone who is more deserving
of your love and affection than you are yourself,
and that person is not to be found anywhere.
You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe
deserve your love and affection.


current desk top


  1. I, too, live by the sea and I love to hear the seagulls in the distance. Love the daisies on your windowsill.

  2. hahahha.... okay Mary,..that's it. You're fired for not paying strict attention. That is a picture of a picture of a windowsill...just kidding...but it was kind of funny.

    My birds are dipping and mooning me from the birdbath this morning...(did you know male robins have a big white bum? most of mine seem to ).. then they turn around and complain noisily because there is not enough water in it....sigh..better get out there and make them happy...add a watering can full.

  3. I like that top image. I was wondering about your technique and scrolling down it was revealed.

  4. I love that wonderful misty, unearthly quality in the reflection of your first photo. Nice effect!

  5. Beautiful quote and lovely photograph.


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