larger than a fact

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

pink parrot tulips in a pepto pink bathroom

It's raining and grey again today. I woke at 3:30am to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Sigh. Mama's been setting the coffee maker's timer in a darkened kitchen once again. I went downstairs, took the carafe off the heating element, turned the coffee maker to off and trundled back on up to bed. This morning's coffee has been heated in the microwave and it's still delicious. The windows are all open the air is still chilly, although this time of year I much prefer to use the word fresh and we hear nothing but the sounds of dripping drops and hundreds of assorted birds (some yet to be identified) singing this early morning here at 29 Black Street.

I was so alive
I can only look back
longer than a legend
larger than a fact
oh I was so alive
I can only look back
and I was so afraid
and I have traveled so far
blaming the horizon
and shouting at the stars
oh I was so afraid
but I've come so far
oh I was so afraid
but I've come so far
and when it's all over
you won't know
just when your coming
from when you go
and maybe somebodies
gonna let you down
but you take your chances
if you only learn how
I was so alone
I was scattered and small
oh I was so alone
I was scattered and small

Amelia Curran (scroll down to listen & watch)

yep ! still wearing fleece and my security scarf, wink.

Amelia Curran
- Newfoundland singer songwriter
a fairly recent repeat, yes ... but I do so love these words


  1. A pepto pink bathroom? yikes.
    You are so cracking me up with that security scarf.

  2. I have a whole closet of security scarves. I wear them until it's 80 degrees outside.

    Loved the Amelia Curran! Wow, I need to find a CD.

    That last pic is wonderful. You need to show us more of your cute self!

  3. I was bundled up like the Michelin man was only -1 C in the a.m. And, definitely scarves until it is warm enough to go in a light t-shirt...

    In the house it's 'jammies and sweaters or big fat terry cloth robes.... mmmmmm...

  4. I love scarves. I have large collection of them. But sometimes hot flashes keep me from wearing them. This was a lovely post, by the way, as all of yours are.

  5. Susan, except for the chill, we are living today similar experiences. It is rainy here in the Keys, the birds can be heard outside, including the sqwaking of my amazons. Coffee is being brewed again (I know, it is my only addiction) and now I am enjoying your Amelia Curran.

  6. Lovely song! New to me; I must make enquiries of Google.....

    Scarves are the great temperature adjusters for women of a certain age; I spent a long time dressed for summer, regardless of the seasons, with a rapid-on, rapid-off scarf to adjust as required!

    I love the timer set in the dark bit; could have been worse, like the alarm clock.

  7. you could have passed that pot of coffee over to me. that is the time of day i get out of bed. i like getting up in the wee hours when no one else is awake. then i can start my bread rising and have breakfast made and everything in order by the time my daughter arrives for breakfast. she stops by every day in her way to work to have breakfast and pick up lunches for herself and her boyfriend. after all these years i am back to packing lunches again! i would take some of that rain. it is very dry here and about to get hot. hope it dries up for you! joyce

  8. Man, I am so behind the security scarf curve.

  9. I so look forward to my morning cup of java. Get my shower, pet chores out of the way. Then a nice bowl of Kashi cereal with fruit. And then that wonderful cup of coffee!

  10. It's a lovely song. I can't figure out how to imbed a youtube video in my blog. So now how is the leak?

  11. Susan...a lovely song that fits my mood!

  12. Good evening, sweet Susan. Listned/watched the video...and re-read the words over and over. This song got to me. Thank you for sharing. And I SOOOOOOOOO love the first picture. Whoah!

    Much love to you and the furry gang. xo

    PS I do read books..mainly biographies. I just bought one over the weekend...a biogrpahy on Percey Bysshe Shelley.

  13. So worried about your leak!!

  14. I love the pictures you posted with this! Coffee at 3:30am oops. Sun struggling to come out today.


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