
Thursday, June 12, 2014

I can't help myself - w-a-y too much forget-me-not LOVE + bonjour sweet little spider (photo 1) I'm crazy about spiders also 

Lack of confidence, sometimes alternating with unrealistic dreams of heroic success, often leads to procrastination, and many studies suggest that procrastinators are self-handicappers: rather than risk failure, they prefer to create conditions that make success impossible, a reflex that of course creates a vicious cycle James Surowiecki

fascinating !

THUD ! that's me flinging myself off of my chair again ... and again ... over & over again with pure intense melodrama - that's how much I want to do these 2 daunting tasks. Today and until it's done, I'm working on Daunting 1 - I am attempting to create a filling system on my computer, then go through the kazillion, billion bits & pieces of vip stuff - my own collage icons & clip art, project files, giclee files, high res images ... blog post photos. It makes me want to fling off again just writing about it. Ick ! yuck ! resistance, procrastination, clock watching - I'm having/doing it all - I'm living in procrastination big time today.

I'm trying to tell myself that this cleaning up my computer files project is no more daunting then the fabulous & terrifying Starbucks project (truthfully they are equally daunting in scope, in fact this project might actually be way less daunting). I'm telling myself also that I am as important a customer to myself as Starbucks is to me ;-) true also ! To move forward, this last half of 2014, in the big, bad, spectacular way I want to move my Creative Empire forward I must organize my shit & organize it to the hilt and I know it's gonna feel so freakin' fantastic when I'm DONE - that's the carrot I'm dangling in front of me.

It is SO much harder to meet a self imposed, self-directed deadline - shockingly harder - & that is a bummer

Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time
Martha Troly-Curtin

wow ! so true


  1. I wanna say that your procrastination looks pretty darn good from here! Lovely flower and garden photos to inspire!
    And OMG, that quote totally sums me up!!! We decided to renovate our kitchen, found water leakage and termite problems and our still at it 5 weeks later (supposed to be a little 2 week project). Husband has it all under control, but I am freaking out about having work people traipsing through all day every day... and not wanting them to see my messes. Because when you tear out a wall, you really have to move a lot of shit around. I am trying to think of myself as the butterfly still in its crysalis. Everyone looks pretty dark and ugly when you are in it (and I am litterally finding myself having to physically pick up every . single . object to determine its worth to Future Me!!), but when you burst through to your new life of less STUFF and less CLEANING and less LOOKING-FOR-THINGS and more HAVING-PEOPLE-OVER-AND-NOT-BEING-EMBARASSED and living a simple, organised life. (You can tell that I am still trying to convince myself by all those capitals!!!). There is stuff around here that hasn't been touched or moved or seen the light of day for a long time. You know, like how you only really use the surface 20% of what's on your computer (but you can't bear to throw any of it out). So I hear ya, sister. I am slogging through some major personal transformation over here, too, and I KNOW that things will get better! Keep your eye on the prize of that new, lighter, ready to whip things out at a minute's notice when you are looking for them You.

    Thanks for sharing again today. I always read your blog posts first thing in the morning to start my day (even thought I don't always comment!)

  2. Sorry that should read EveryTHING looks pretty dark and ugly... !

  3. Beautiful flowers, love the variation of colour in the different light...and a cute little spider.
    I am looking forward to the day I can finish all the projects I have intended to begin, sorting out my many images and getting rid of a whole lot of junk I have hoarded and don't need any more. I will breathe a sigh of relief.
    I agree self imposed deadlines are more frightening and more likely to fail.
    Good luck dear Susan.
    love and hugs
    xoxoxo ♡

  4. Wow, Susan, I didn't know about the Starbucks project - awesome news indeed!!! Wow again!!
    I received your beautiful card today (really quick delivery from Nova Scotia as you only wrote it on the 9th!)
    So happy to hear from you, and so happy to hear your news. And good luck with the organizing - you are indeed as important a 'customer' as Starbucks, but self-imposed deadlines are SOOO hard. I'm happy to be a deadline buddy, if you want... Email me your deadline and your weekly/monthly targets and I'll keep checking in. I can be both a cheerleader AND a dragon, you know, depending on what's required *grin*
    Big hugs from across the sea xxx

  5. Love the drifts of Forget-me-nots ...

  6. drifts that's the word I was trying to think of - thanks Sybil ! I used swaths and changed it because it didn't sound right we have lovely pale blue drifts of forget-me-nots in our back fenced in forested yard and they make my heart ache I love them so. Love you too !!

    xoxox Kisses to your gang from all of mine - Susan

  7. susan, i love the quote about enjoying time wasted... i would love to just "go there" and see if i let go of all todo lists, and just floated in enjoying time (while finishing starbucks deadlines of course), wouldn't the most beautiful art come from that? possibly. yet, maybe the self imposed deadlines keep us from going too far off the deep end... enjoyed your post! kellie


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