love you - card design #4
First up, I am thrilled (to pieces) this morning because my good things come collage print was shown & mentioned on my absolute favourite design blog Poppytalk. You can check out me - there - here. Wink. I won a give away (bonus !) that she was having - 81 entries - and she took the time to come and check out 29 Black Street including my etsy shop. Now you can't tell me that M. Universe didn't have something to do with this.
Hey ! who doesn't love cabbage rolls ? I love cabbage rolls although I am usually deterred from making them as they are kinda fussy and time consuming to make. This recipe however is for cabbage rolls ... pas de rolls. Uh Huh. Simple, easy and delicious. Adapted from this little's village's home & school fundraising cookbook.
Cabbage Roll Casserole
3 cups chopped cabbage
1/2 cup brown rice
2 onions chopped
1 lb ground meat (I used 1/2lb chicken and 1/2 lb beef)
1 large leek chopped (optional - I had leek gifts that needed to be used)
1 large can of diced tomatoes
1 cup of chicken broth
2 tbsps. brown sugar
1 tsp. italian blend seasoning
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/8th - 1/4 tsp. ground cloves (to taste)
a good pinch freshly ground nutmeg
Saute onions (and leek) in a bit of oil until translucent remove from pan and put aside. Brown meat in the same pan, add brown sugar and spices. Stir until sugar melts, add tomatoes, raw cabbage and raw rice, onions and leeks. Stir until everything is mixed well and pile into a large casserole. pour chicken broth into all the nooks and crannies.(with a lid or cover tightly with foil). Pour chicken broth into all the nooks and crannies. Cover (with lid or tight foil) and bake in a 350 oven for 1 - 1 1/2 hrs or until rice is cooked. * I think next time I would pre-cook the rice and then bake the casserole for 30 -40 mins as I found the cabbage was almost overcooked with the long cooking time. It's delicious and the cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and brown sugar are what really make it ... says she.

thanks - card design #5