scenes from the last few days of 2010
Wow ! what an amazing year 2010 has been. At the very end of 2009 my former, increasingly sad & lonely life, was turned upside down by a chance meeting in the park where Miss D and walk each day. I've landed softly in a big feather bed of good things. I met that fateful day, the near perfect Prince who takes such good care of us, who loves animals as much as I do, who's as smart as whip - possibly smarter and who's turning this beautiful old brick house and spacious tangled terracotta gardens into a home - into our home.
My creative life shaken also by the loss of my main gig - most (80%) of my self employed design eggs ($) unfortunately were hangin' out in one darn basket. I always knew in the back of mind that I needed to find more customers, a stable of them ideally, but like so many things in life you float along day to day always with the best of intentions I'll get to that tomorrow. I'm now in a place that many others find themselves - dreaming & scheming new, exciting & more self reliant ways to make a living, ways to afford to stay in this little village by the sea that I love. By nature I am an optimist, although run away fast if I'm having one of my scheduled dips into doom & gloom, I've decided to welcome this new year believing that 2010 was about building and that the months that loom ahead on our horizon will be peppered with lots more good things.
Happiest New Year to all.
My word for 2011 - firework - uh huh !
I love this song so much, les anthem for 2011