hearts a fire and Mr. Collage cat taking a much needed break from all the snippin' & a gluein'
it's always been inside of you, you, you
and now it's time to let it through
'cause baby your a firework
Katy Perry
Ah ... Oliver how many times a day to I tell you I love you ? - absolutely the best cat, evah !
Finally finished Jonathan Franzen's new book Freedom - loved it ! you know you're really engrossed in a book when you keep forgetting that the characters and the story are not actually part of your real life. I caught myself beginning to tell a friend on the phone about an incident that had shocked me and then I remembered Oh yeah ! that happened in the book I'm reading.
Next book, barely begun last night, a little non fiction Atlantic: Great Sea Battles, Titanic Storms and a Vast Ocean of a Million Stories by Simon Winchester - ooh ahh ! sounds good nest pas ??
17 collage & ink heart cards available in les etsy shop. $4 bucks a pop. Buy 4 - get the 5th FREE !
And ... just in case you didn't go to yesterday's this song link, les official new anthem here at collage central a division of CE HQ (Creative Empire Headquarters) here's the video. Such a fantastic message in this song to not only know & feel your own inner firework but to always be looking for the firework in others ... cause everybody is one.
Come on now ... hands in the air, turn up the volume and let's go
boom, boom, boom
even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

No. 17 and a favourite of Oliver's

emma jane louise, hearts a float and dear sweet piper belle (aka sunny bunny) by Chickory
Susan, I love the collage. Looks like you have a supervisor, too.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mary, except he looks like an overseer to me! Beautiful hearts :-)
ReplyDeleteOliver is one handsome cat.
ReplyDeleteI love the lighting on your first heart picture - so pretty :)