Have No Mercy !! -chocolate peanut butter love
With homemade (kinda) chocolate, peanut butter, vanilla love ice cream.
I did something crazy yesterday - something I'd been thinking about doing for weeks. I've been waiting and watching our grocery store sale flyer, waiting for the premium ice cream to be on special again (it's on special every few weeks and Mama sure does love to save a couple of bucks). So home I came with my tub of Cookies and Cream (they were out of French Vanilla, but oh well I thought, C & C is my second favourite flavour - tastes just like real cream, real vanilla and pieces of Oreo cookies). I let the ice cream soften awhile on the kitchen counter and then added 9 (count em) 9 chopped up Reese's peanut butter cups stirred in gently. I then softened 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter in the microwave and added that in blobs, letting each blob cool and solidify before stirring it into the ice cream. Once this beautiful concoction of mine was well blended I scooped it back into the container and placed it into the far regions of my freezer to firm up again. Sigh.

There it is !! the top of the cake completely covered in Reese's peanut butter cups
Yesterday afternoon Harry stopped by to deliver a slab of his Have No Mercy! C & PB cake pour moi. Uh Huh Uh Huh !! Friday in this little village our annual & pretty darn famous cake auction took place at the village bank. A fundraiser for our summer Harbour Fest Fête. Celebrities abounded, the place was totally packed and 60 cakes in total were auctioned off and nearly $20,000.00 was raised - I know it's crazy ! they bid like fools on these made-with-love wares. Harry's contribution to the auction, he who is famous in these parts for being very much a fantastic gourmet cook & baker, was a four layer towering monster of chocolate and peanut butter love that we dubbed the Have ! No ! Mercy ! cake - Mama designed the tag. He, being the smart guy that he is, made two cakes, a second two layer version for all the sous chefs, tag makers and assorted hanger-ons to enjoy later. Merci !
I'm wondering how I could make this count for my Dim Sum Sunday contribution - the theme this week is South of the Border - Maybe I could make a slight change - to North of the Border (subtitled those Crazy Canucks they always do whatever they want anyway). Que Cake & Ice Cream Passa ?
and lastly ... 'tis the perfect place for my best loved and tres often spoken quote
Deny thyself nothing
L. Meagher

Les cakes - ya gotta have a lobster cake in these parts. Yum ???