by the sea

Monday, April 29, 2013

seaweed / the crescent beach / I  barnacles / periwinkle / more seaweed / tidal pool / the first lobster boats of the season 

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. 
Conscious breathing is my anchor.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Sigh ... my large lesson to learn, to remember and to practice

& the other song I can't get (happily) out of my head - Pink & Nate Ruess from Fun

my inner ninja

Sunday, April 28, 2013

daphne / Miss Winnie Dixon on the boardwalk / poplar blossoms / the boys in Virgil's penthouse pad / crocus / Missy D & lovely early morning shadows / more polar blossoms / little spring bluebells / handsome Oliver & Virg in the background / lichen on the most magnificent old poplar tree / pale apricot rose

Hey yo I’ve been high and I’ve been real low
I’ve been beaten and broken but I heal though
So many ups and down
Ruffed up and clown
We all got problems but we deal oh

I’m trying to do better now
Find my inner peace
Learn my art form and find my inner chi
When my backs on the wall I don’t freeze up
Now I find my inner strength and I re-up

I read the rules before I, broke ‘em
I broke the chains before they choked me out
And I pay close attention
When I learn the code
I learn to read the map before I hit the road

Nobody’s going to see me coming
Nobody’s going to hear a sound
No matter how hard they tryin’
No stoppin’ me since I found

My inner ninja
My inner ninja

fantastically positive, upbeat, chair dancin' song  from Canadian duo Classified & David Myles - I can't get out of my head ;-) 

roses & cats, mostly

Thursday, April 25, 2013

apricot, pinkish, orangey coral like miniature roses / the chicelet BleetNessie / lunch / more tiny worlds / coralish / who's the best cat ever / a little lichen love / orange-ish roses at dusk / Oliver in Virgil's pad / & a relocated Virgil / breakfast / our feral boy/ and more beautiful roses

Don't try to win over the haters; 
you are not a jackass whisperer.

Brené Brown from Daring Greatly
(a most fantastic freakin' book)

thanks Brené ... & over n' over n' over again ... thanks

robins in spring

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

detail front of a new 5 x5 (folded) self promo greeting card Robins in Spring - Susan Black - see the whole card here

You will never be entirely comfortable. This is the truth behind the champion he is always fighting something. To do otherwise is to settle.

Julien Smith - The Flinch


Sunday, April 21, 2013

geranium / rainbow / thyme / daphne / handsome Sam / lunch with collage / I love tiny worlds / Oliver / my sweet Dee

18 c

Saturday, April 20, 2013

my Missy D and her nasal investigations / beautiful / windswept Dee / beautiful blue / poplar / shaggalicious love

It's warm, really warm 18 Celsius + it's really windy. Warm, wild, wind. This morning on our walk the sky above us raced and tumbled and boiled along faster then we were walking, we strolled along with black threatening clouds, then moments of blue, then white and grey - an unsettled stormy sky. There's rain in the forecast but the windows are all open a crack & the second floor of this old brick house feels like a tree house again, sheets and pillowcases flap madly on the line and I have a big lovely list of to-dos. Happy weekend !