lush life

Thursday, June 6, 2013

it's a lush life here currently - a few of the greens from today's early morning walk, me & my Missy Darn Dee ;-)

any search for a  pain-free existence  
is doomed to failure.

Russ Harris 

author of book The Happiness Trap 

& yes ... I have Demons on my Boat - Chapter 9 (not a great quality video but a profound message)


  1. Those first photos take my breath away!! Please consider adding photo cards to your collection! They would inspire me to send more love notes to my friends and family far away...

    I went for a walk the day before yesterday and started to get really sore, so had to turn back early. Decided to turn a negative into a positive by ducking into a side road. And what did I find? A wonderful new view of the ocean, some beautiful stone walls to pose with (I was trying for sort of a ninja effect...) and towards the end, I came upon this beautiful canopy of trees that I should stood under and absorbed their green for a few minutes...

  2. Interesting video Susan but ... boy ... is ... he ... slow ... in ... making his point. It could have been a two minute video.

    I love the lushness of spring.

    May you steer your boat steadily toward where you want to be.


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