current bedside book
Not Wanted on the Voyage - And I absolutely LOVE this illustration and book jacket design. I've read this book twice before but I felt like reading it again. It's an amazing story, brilliant really, written by a fantastic Canadian author who's written a great long list of books all of which are very different from each other. You know how some author's write the same kind of story over and over with new locales and different characters but with similar themes running through them - nothing wrong with that and often there's comfort in discovering that kind of writer. I think of someone like Anne Tyler. Timothy Findley's books are so varied in characters and theme, you're never quite sure what you're in for. I haven't read them all myself but I've read quite a few and I've enjoyed them all but this book is by far my favourite and has remained in my top 5 favourite books since the first time I read it.
Also in the top 5. Permanently stuck at No.1 of course is my all time book of comfort and smiles My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell (book one in a trilogy - bonus !)- the sure cure for any & all badness. Followed in random order by
The World According to Garp - John Irving
A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
The Way the Crow Flies - Anne Marie MacDonald
I finished Wally Lamb's new novel The Hour I First Believed and I didn't enjoy it and wouldn't recommend it. Unfortunately this didn't fully dawn on me until I was on page 432 (of an over 700 page book). I felt too invested to put it down so I sped read and skimmed the last 200 or so pages still wanting to know what happened to the characters and how things ended up. The story was interesting enough set in and around the horror and aftermath of the Columbine shootings and the characters all perfectly fine but at 745 pages it just seemed way too long. It made me ponder the editing process and to wonder if perhaps once you've become a well known and popular author you aren't subject to as ruthless an edit as a new author might be. The Story of Edgar Sawtelle (in my top 10) by comparison also a big fat book was one of those very long books that when you're finally finished - didn't seem long enough.
Two fairly big projects on the go here at the TTD* for customer No Uno. A day of mock-ups and thumbnails with my daily lifeline CBC radio.
*TTD - teak topped desk
I've only read Fall On Your Knees by Anne Marie MacDonald, given to me by my S.I.L. Maggie, and loved it so much I'm passing it round all my friends; time to read another of hers, I think.
ReplyDeleteI have read My Family and Other Animals and loved it. I also have read one of Wally Lamb's books and although it was not the same book you read, I felt the exact same way halfway through the book but kept reading it. Hope you have a good weekend.
ReplyDeleteWow! Loved the Findley cover. I had to enlarge it and take a long gander. Heehee, there's even Natasha (sans Boris) on the ark!
ReplyDeleteYes, do look for the Beattie book at your library. That's what I did. I really need to buy a copy for my library. It helped me more than I can say.
I have always loved Noah's Ark images. I don't think I could read the book though, because the summary hints that the shy unicorn has a terrible fate. It sounds too sad.
ReplyDeleteI loved "My Family and Other Animals".
Considering the storm headed my way, perhaps I should see if the library has this book.
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday to Les Gang.
Thanks for all the book tips! I will dive right in. I, too, loved the illustration on the jacket of the 'Voyage' book...so sweet.
ReplyDeleteHope your weekend is SPECTACULAR!!! Enjoy those homemade cinnamon rolls.
Oh, we have the same favourite book!! My Family and Other Animals is just the most sublime book ever. I collect copies of that and would love to have a really wonderful illustrated edition. Why haven't they ever put one of those out???
ReplyDeleteI am not familiar with Findley, but I shall look him up. I love the look of the book you've shown!
Edward and I wish you a lovely weekend!!