Believe Be Love* - 8x8 collage mixed media - Susan Black - original for sale available here
believe, be brave, be kind, be love
One of the exciting & challenging projects I've worked on these past summertime months is writing a step-by-step how to article for
Cloth Paper Scissors. They asked me to create a typographic "call for art" collage (which they are using as a call for art logo in the
Sept/Oct issue). Like any freelance design client I talked with the customer first trying to get a sense of the look/style they were desiring - it helps so much now that I do have a large body of work on my
portfolio site and in my
etsy shop - as often a customer will look there first & then say
I love the feel of this piece which gives me a great place to start. Jenn Mason editor at CPS liked my
Good Things Come 2 type collage so that was our jumping off point.
Not only was I doing a custom type collage logo for the magazine but I would document the how-to process along the way in my words & with my photos - which I'll confess turned out to be way much more challenging then it first seemed to me. Much like my new
workshop** experience it becomes an interesting challenge to show and tell how to do something that often you yourself are not consciously thinking about as you're doing it. This was a fantastic project and in the end my article is a 4 page gorgeous spread explaining in my own words & with my photos step-by-step how I created the logo below. Thank you to Cloth Paper Scissors for this wonderful opportunity !
As I result of my newly formed connection with the magazine CPS (one of the 19 or so big fish I sent
this promo to way back when) I was asked if I would like to create/donate a Breast Cancer Fund Raising piece for the magazine for a special
Cloth Paper Scissors etsy shop which opened today (my mixed media piece
here) - all the proceeds raised go directly to the
National Breast Cancer Foundation - 32 of the art pieces are included in a double page spread in the magazine (including mine). The Sept/Oct pink issue is quite a lovely leap for my creative empire - I show up 4 times in this issue. Wow ! thrilled, am I.
* the colour of Believe Be Love is most true in this post's photo - tres bright, lots o' pink ;-)
** speaking of workshops I will indeed be doing a Sunday afternoon workshop at favourite Halifax stockist of 29 Black Street goodness -
Inkwell - stay tuned for more details soon.
The journey in between what you once were
and who you are now becoming
is where the dance of life takes place.
Barbara De Angelis
custom typographic collage for the Sept/Oct issue of Cloth Paper Scissors - Susan Black