detail from an illustrated place mat
Aaaahhh! my morning coffee, actually my only coffee of the day, most days. Delicious and my daily reminder of another new beginning. It's actually cold this morning, had to close a few windows. It's overcast, skies are grey & stormy and it's very blustery. The tree tops outside my office/studio window are swooshing back and forth in the wind. I love stormy days...too much hot, sunny weather gets me down (although I usually only tell a select few that fact about myself). I've always loved a grey day. Have a social function at noon today...one of those little obligations agreed to, that lurks in the back of my mind causing me to have a bit of a constant anxious feeling in my chest - that "I'll feel better when this is over" feeling. It's not a big deal, it's lunch with the village Communities in Bloom crowd (I'm there to represent my friend Harry who will be on a plane heading to the Toronto gift show). He won the business award for gardening / flowers / sprucing up his store front. Then after lunch I need to escort that same crowd over to Harry's big beautiful garden and conduct a bit of a tour and serve lemonade. It's just one of those things that causes me loads of anticipatory anxiety. For days now I've had a nagging little weird feeling in my chest. As always, it will likely go smoothly, be over before I know it, and I'll be left wondering what all the fuss was about. But for now I'll look forward to drinking a glass of lemonade.
ReplyDeleteIm procrastinating. There are so many old blog posts that I haven't read yet! Have a nice day.