sun through the 29 Black Street forest
I seem to have misplaced my blogging voice. I know it's here somewhere and I'm confident it will turn up ... but for now it's missing. Lost somewhere amidst the stacks of books and magazines, or hiding in the folds of clothes I never wear. Early morning M. Invincible whose most often chatty and enthusiastic, always hopeful with the promise of another day seems to have disappeared and her understudy Miss Placed has shown up instead ...
I enjoy the ritual and habit of posting each day so this quiet has been mildly disconcerting to me. Instead of looking forward to my blog I find myself waking and thinking Oh my, what will I post today ... even my enthusiasm for taking photographs has waned. It feels like this abrupt change arrived with the cooler air and the changing of the seasons, a kind of quiet sadness has rolled in on a North East wind.
Lots of design work on the go which is a perfect distraction for these times ... and a stack of new books from the library are piled up bedside. We still hear the hum of crickets each early morning even though our windows no longer are wide open each night. The leaves are just beginning to turn and it feels like autumn is here.
How do the birds make great sky circles ...
they fall and falling they are given wings
Isn't it ok to have nothing to say?
ReplyDeleteI guess so ... it just feels a bit awkward and strange. It disappoints me. I needed to say "I have nothing to say". Wink.
ReplyDeleteIt's OK.
ReplyDeleteSusan, it is perfectly fine to be still and quiet and simple "be...."
ReplyDeleteSometimes I need the internal quiet to take stock of who I am, where I am and HOW I am...a sort of personal re-booting if you will.
It's not like re-charging at all...more like a gentle form of self-care that we all periodically need for good mental health.
You are loved! Do not worry...your voice will return.
Hi Susan, you don't have to dazzle us every day... we just like to know that you and the gang are okay.
ReplyDeleteWell, what I notice about your blog is that holidays don't seem to feature much in it! You work hard, too - maybe taking a break might be just what you need?
ReplyDeleteStill warm and humid here. I am looking forward to the cool air, since it usually wakes up my hot, slugish brain.
ReplyDeleteI've been feeling quiet too lately - introverted - introspective - not sure what to call it - maybe I don't have to call it anything other than just being.
ReplyDeleteI love coming to look at your photos every day - especially the ones of Miss Winnie! The photos of her yesterday brightened an otherwise pretty yucky day! Please thank her for that!
We all give you permission to take a break! Just type "we are ok" for a while....
ReplyDeleteShe'll be back, that voice of yours. Just let the silence just BE for a while if you need, you can always just post a picture.
ReplyDeleteSusan, had a day that Michelle was talking about yesterday, but find that I am more "charged" today, and better for it. Hopefully you will feel the same. Your photos are always so beautiful, that I'm sure you would have fun with the "failed photo" meme that is doing the rounds at the moment.I'd love to see one that you've shelved!
ReplyDeletei so admire how you post EVERY day but you have every right to take a break and refuel your creative batteries once in a while. i often find that by taking a break ideas for posts just naturally flow over me. i find creativity in the quiet and reflection rather than the doing. i'm on a bit of a blogging break myself i guess. i don't feel peppy or witty or full of joy so i choose not to pretend that i do.
ReplyDeleteas i always say, this too shall pass. but it feels like it will be along time coming.