
Saturday, October 16, 2010

an assortment of recent October photographs from out and about with my girl Dee

Phew ! Another thing that the cowboy and I have in common. We love our projects. While I
sit at the teak topped desk, happily ensconced in my studio/office on the second floor - drawing, painting, snipping and/or gluing he's either out in the (much less) tangled gardens sawing, pruning, snipping, clearing and dragging away stuff or he's in the living room/dining room area (currently) building*, restoring, renovating, updating and efficientizing. Sigh.

I've been working like the dickens lately. I have a few irons in a few fires and some, well one in particular is tres exciting and work that I not only LOVE doing but newish work for me that I'm super happy with - proud of I might even dare to say. Work that doesn't cause me to hold my breath as I'm doing it and honestly work that I'm not constantly second guessing - which means I think work that's much more me.

I have so many new ideas flying around in this ever busy head of mine I can barely keep track of them. I don't think I've ever felt so creative. All this is very good ... now if I could only make a living (once again) from all of this busyness ... well then we'll be laughin'.

I keep on telling myself - Good things will come ! I guess I should say Good Financial Things will Come 'cause there's been no shortage of Good Things 'round here - but it is very important to me that I contribute my fair share to les pot.

* can you say 1 whole wall of built-ins (sigh) which will contain our media centre - uh huh !
plus loads of other grand improvements


  1. Susan - Thank you for your comment. As always you write so tellingly . Must be the Nova Scotia Celt. Would be happy with a week.

  2. and a week would indeed be grand.
    peace & love my friend xo s & wd

  3. i love your attitude, susan. and your photos. and the fact that you used the phrase "like the dickens".


    xo Alison

  4. That top photograph - I want! Framed!

  5. I got nuthin' to say except hooray!!!!

  6. Some gorgeous images here - i love the orange leaf on the ground.



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