This illustration has been a tiny pencil sketch in one of my many scrapbooks filled with thumbnail drawings, sketches, magazine clippings, ideas and inspirations. I was going through one of these books yesterday looking for something to scan so that I could show you more of my work. And thank you very much for asking. Red dog Yellow dog, was/still is an idea, possibly, for a series of simple early learning (colours, alphabet etc.) children's' books. Another in my long, always growing, list of big ideas. Yesterday I decided that it was finally time to turn that tiny pencil sketch into an illustration.
The image itself came from a stormy, freezing rain, night years ago that a friend found this teeny tiny black kitten by the side of the road. She couldn't take it home herself because she had a dog who really hated cats and not knowing what else to do - she brought the kitten here. The kitten was so small - I'd never held a kitten so young and so tiny and it was squawking that weird high pitched squeal-ey meow that tiny kittens have. As I held the kitten in the palm of my hand Em & Jake were looking at me with cocked heads and very puzzled looks, as if they were saying "What issss that"? Finally I placed the little kitten on the floor between my two dogs and this little sketch was born. Bleet (a misspelling that I decided not to correct) decided, that very night, that the big handsome red dog was his new mama.
I have over the months included some of my illustrations sprinkled throughout this blog and I would be very happy to show more. In fact, I'm reminded that that was an original goal of this blog. I will post more of my work, at least once a week, beginning with today. Maybe all of you will help me with my struggles to create more of my own new personal work/projects. Kind of like having a new customer. An audience and great incentive to get some new, all mine, Etsy ready things created. Thank you !
Don't just think about it ...do it. Red dog Yellow dog in celebration of Emma & Jake. They will live forever in the memories of the children who read their story(s).
ReplyDeleteI have looked through some of your previous blogs and love your work. This one is especially charming. Fun to know the story behind it! :) You are incredibly creative.
ReplyDeleteps~~ love "bleet" :)
ReplyDeleteSusan, I love the story behind that picture and I think it would be great as an illustration for a book. You are very talented.
ReplyDeleteawwwww.... look how tiny little Bleet was.....and you can just imagine the puzzlement in the minds of the big dogs....like, huh? it's really cute....
ReplyDeleteSo sweet! And do post more of your work, even if it's older. I really like your "Echoes" series, beautiful and evocative. Your illustrations and cards are generally darling. I am curious about the jewelry line you were working on, are you able to show it?
ReplyDeleteHello all. Many thanks for the compliments. I'm already in discussions with friends in high places on the potential publishing & marketing of Red dog, Yellow dog. Seriously ! I'm so excited and will be collaborating with 2 fantastic women on this project.
ReplyDeleteAs I was strolling through an old sketch book yesterday, my intention was to scan a page from the many, many pages of jewellery designs from my 4 year Cinderella stint as a far away designer for this wonderful LA company. Brighton.com. I can't show my latest jewellery project because it's current and therefore top-secret. But I promise J. to soon show some jewellery designs from the archives.
... yesterday, I stumbled upon my Red dog, Yellow dog pencil sketch and it called out to me. Friday is Jake day ... don't know if anyone's been noticing but for the last 10 weeks I've been posting a photo of the boy on Fridays. This illustration counts I think.
Love ya Noodle.
Yay! Bleet looks so cute! I like your lettering too.
ReplyDeleteLook forward to your weekly art post :)
I love your dogs! Great work.
ReplyDeleteLove this illustration. More please!