more floral duos - 6 of 20 pairs submitted to Canadian Art Prints
I continue to submit, apply, introduce and present ... me and my wares to as many potential patrons as I can think of. Anything & everywhere ... many of which are not actual paying gigs, not in the monetary sense but opportunities for challenge and exposure. This early morning, at this very moment I'm feeling satisfied and content with my efforts and I continue to feel optimistic that eventually somethin's gotta stick - as Marie from 66 square feet* reminded me in a recent comment
Just keep on swinging. I figure the more things we take a swing at the higher the chances that we'll connect with the something we're actually aiming for.
I listened to this John Hiatt song while driving yesterday afternoon, driving with the windows all rolled down, a perfect late summer day. It's track #9 from one of the mixed cd's I made for the cowboy way back when ... 16 days in
Oh and ps. in case you've been wondering ... the crazy brown hound Bess has gone to live the life of Riley and twice daily dog park romps in the nations capital. She lives now with Doug's former wife in a previously arranged and mutually agreeable custody deal. Miss D (and her mother) have been vigorously campaigning, for at least one new canine addition to the Black Street family.
* and woomen of the fabulous & tres charming D. Estorboro
Miss D. does need a canine companion.