mod angel illustration
Busy = Happy ... a slight exaggeration ... lots to do, work projects lined up, household project list is a mile long, interspersed with lovely rural Nova Scotia moments, (like walking with my dogs collecting beach glass or going to the Farmers Market) the days are flying by and I feel very peaceful. It seems it's all it takes - a full plate of life. Although I do realize that lots of design work on my plate really is key and that's all about the security that money brings. If I had a bottomless bank account perhaps a plate full of household projects and reading in hammocks with cats in laps would satisfy me...but for now a steady stream of financial security is essential and actually helps make the goal of attaining new customers so clear & focused in my mind. More customers will equal more security especially now that that darn Canadian Looney is on par with the US$. When I began this business our dollar sat for ages around 52 cents (so I would deposit 50% more than the amount on every invoice) and I confess I would sit often, in the mornings, with my coffee & calculator, calculating my incoming fortunes.
Life feels very nice and full at the moment.
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