some jazz

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

more tools of the trade...

my water colour pencils, perfect for adding touches of colour to my little thumbnail drawings. Awoke this morning from busy, repetitive dreams of sparkly bits, crystals and jewels, angel's wings, velvet & satin ribbons and fine silver chains. The kind of dream I often have when I'm in the midst of a really great, exciting project. My jewellery design project is coming along amazingly. Received an email yesterday responding to several pages of thumbnails that I had sent out Friday. Double clicked, crossing my fingers on both hands, hoping & praying that she would be happy with the direction that I was taking. You just never know for sure if you've headed off down the right path, especially when working with a brand new customer. Well, she, they, love everything (?). In my heart, deep inside, there is a part of me that I know should not be surprised that they're so thrilled with my work (they hired me based on many samples of jewellery design from my portfolio and they were thrilled then). But most of me not only feels surprised but feels, well, kind of knock me over with a feather this has been all SO easy, so fluid and lovely and perfect. A dream job & a dream client, a pinch me situation - big time, and I am SO thankful ... if you remember this time last year I was afraid I would have to take a job at my local grocery store to try and make ends meet (which I know would send me into a deep abyss of depression, as at heart I am an anti-social creature - that's why I do, for the most part, so well, home alone with my animals each and every day). 2006 was a very bad year, and in many ways. It's amazing and wonderful how much things can change if you just hang in there. Something for me to remember the next time I'm wide awake at 2 in the morning having one of my fret fests - you have no idea what's just around the next corner in life.

So, I think I'll be brief this morning. A few things I'd like to get done before les chiens (Winnie & Jake) & I head out for the beach. I'm a girl with a very messy desk and I want to come home and begin working on this project with a clean organized work space. Tidy the kitchen a bit, throw a load of laundry in, peel Lady Baltimore a grape or two ... all that jazz.

1 comment:

  1. Peel her a grape...hahahha....oh, Susan...I love your blog. You do make me laff........

    Happy day to you!!


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