heart & soul

Friday, September 17, 2010

I love the crows and I love where I live

you change your life by changing your heart


My heart often taunts me
You haven't changed a bit, you're still the same sad soul you've always been

My mind, always trying to encourage, will whisper back to me
Look around you, look all around you ... that cannot be true

Amazed with gratitude, always

Pouring steady rain, chattering crows, a dark & grey sky, a second cup of coffee, a brand new day


  1. You are not a sad soul. So sayeth the Orca.

  2. "oh yes I am" said her heart
    "oh no I'm not" said her mind

    gheesh !!

    do ya think I can divide this recipe in 4 ? (for DSS 0f course)


    OH ... and that should read three layer chocolate bread with black out filling ;-)

  3. Give me my coffee and I can handle most anything! Hey, I got my 2010 Art Books today from Paws For Charity. I'd memorized the page you said you were on and went right to it.

  4. The Museum of Bad Art. http://www.museumofbadart.org/
    Antidote to sadness.
    Will tickle away melancholy I promise!! Sit down and enjoy with a serve of your three-layer chocolate cake!!
    Beautiful shade-of-grey photos btw,reflecting quiet times, for quiet people. Have a lovely weekend Susan.xxx

  5. Hella yeah that will work!!!!

    sheesh you'd think you were a Gemini.

  6. Gorgeous photo series.

    Just read your last one on yoga. Hm. I think about yoga a lot. It's good? Scares me a bit...


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