another little 29 Black Street vignette
'Tis the season. The yard and gardens are erupting and blooming and fast filling up with every shade of green imaginable (my favourite continues this season to be that bright yellow citrus green that has become widely available at garden centres - they even have a citrus creeping (or trailing) jenny which I would love to have for window boxes and flower pots. Throughout our vast Queendom and acreage are found wonderful pops of saturated colours like these favourite narrow hot pink coral tulips of which I'm sure I've taken a hundred photos of in the last few days.
My back garden, which is very private and secluded feeling is absolutely filled with birds this time of year, the fledglings are all just about to spread their new wings and anxious parents flit from branch to branch tut-tutting and fretting all the while trying to coax their babies out of the nest. I fret and worry along with them, naturally keeping my eyes and ears on all the nests that I know of and stepping very carefully when out and about always watching where I'm walking. Thankfully the big fat, black velvet, 10 year old Nessie cat, my only outside cat, at this point in his life seems content to loll in the grass just watching and chattering at the birds.
I'm off to school this morning. I've missed a few weeks of my volunteering at the high school what with Poppytalk preparations and attempts to ensure another big paying job with Customer No Uno - which thankfully is now confirmed and in the works presently. My yard guys have disbanded (actually it happened only days after their new poster went up around the village - some dissension in the ranks, a petite power struggle ... I knew it was too good to be true ) so I'm down to une yard guy, a 12 year old with tons of enthusiasm, a high powered whipper snipper and a love of mowing. What more could a girl ask for ? He and I plan to tackle the back yard and garden beginning Friday after school and if all goes as planned (and of course you know Mama's definitely got a big ol' plan) I'll work outside most of this weekend with my new pal and yard guy. And maybe have my first of the season BBQ. The Thrill of les Grill the theme this week over at the Karmic Kitchen.

The tulips are gorgeous. Have a good time at school.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous flowers! And what grand gardening plans....good luck to the two of you! Mercy! and I hope the plumber called you back about your leak....I hate for you to have to deal with that throughout the weekend. I figure Canada is not celebrating Memorial Day this coming Monday as we all are here in the states, but we are certainly ready for a 3-day wknd!
ReplyDeleteBlessing to all!
I was going to ask about the Yard Guys and if they were stopping in this weekend..... just like rock stars,,, on, off...on.. and then off again....sigh..........darn it!
ReplyDeleteI guess it was too good to last...
the cat pic was one sent to me.. from who knows where...... but, he/she was a beauty...almost like Oliver...the flower just made it so perfect didn't it?
Good to hear you have an assistant, now, to tame the red beast!
ReplyDeleteThose photos are beautiful... I love the vignette.
ReplyDeleteSad to hear about the yard guys breaking up but I'm glad you have one enthusiastic assistant.
Have a wonderful weekend in your lively yard.
MEAT!!!! ( and veggies)
ReplyDeleteOddly enough, I was just outside with my clippers clipping back my creeping jenny in the Victorian plant stand. A lovely plant, used all over my yard in container combinations where they trail toward the ground. He may be young, but he sounds energetic. Just watch him with the sharp garden electrical tools that he doesn't hurt himself or you. Twelve year old boys make me a little nervous around such things. If I could, I would send my yard men your way. Been dependable and haven't raised prices on me in the over four years I've lived here.
We have a perfect chartreuse down here in our new window box plant, sweet potato vine. Actually it's been popular for a couple of years or so, but it's the most delicious lemon-lime colour ever. Also comes in a purple variety and the combo is divine.
ReplyDeleteI wish you much luck with your 12 year old yardman!! Bake him cookies, take him to the movies.....just keep him!!!
Our love to you and Miss Winnie, and those serious cats!
Beautiful photos. Love the kitty.
ReplyDeleteI love creeping jenny, and because I love it, it has crept everywhere in my garden, into my potted plants, the grass, and under the rose bushes. I let it creep. Something about it makes me laugh - I had such specific plans for a bright spot of lime green here and there. Miss Jenny had other ideas! :)
ReplyDeleteI planted some creeping Jenny in that color last fall. It made it fine through the winter, and it is now beginning to spread. I love it.
ReplyDeletemy creeping jenny has a mind of it's own. i totally neglected it over the years so it decided to take care of itself. it is one of the hardiest plants i have. it has "creeped" into cracks in my stone, it grows out from under pots, creeping jenny is living up to her name!
ReplyDeleteOh how lovely!